Nov 28, 2010


Dear all parents,

Another week passed by. We have following updates for this class.



父母責,須順承.  From many of your feedback, I noticed when receiving scolding () from parents, some of children tend to rebut ("回嘴","犟嘴","頂嘴" all these words are shown in the feedback forms). Now they were requested not to rebut towards parent. Even when they think they are
right and parents are wrong, they can discuss it when parents are calm. I just asked them to follow this and I understand it's not easy even for the adults.



朝起早. Children were asked to wake up a bit early each morning to read
弟子規. Some of you expressed that how difficulty it is for kids to wake
up on time every morning. This week, we all work on this. Provide them
a alarm so that they organize themselves properly.


張帆:給爸爸端洗腳水; 平時在校有禮貌地和老師打招呼。


故事 --
1. 伯巨探友
2. 荒島三友

論語 -- I explained some sentences from this classic book related to
this topic. I know this can be a bit tough for younger kids.



Best regards,
江帆 敬書

Nov 21, 2010


Dear all parents,

This week we have three new students joining us. The class seems to be crowded now. We will ask janitor to add more table and chairs in the class.

Feedback sharing:
Thank you for filling the feedback sheet. Here is some highlights:
杨安妮 (四岁):帮妈妈剥蒜瓣。 给猫咪喂饭。Shopping 时帮妈妈搬东西
栾茗荃 (八岁):衣物摆放比以前整齐。写完作业主动收拾书桌。做完游戏收拾玩具。帮父母拿碗筷
程迪 (四岁):早上主动朗诵弟子规。每晚自己准备第二天衣物。在幼儿园主动问老师好 (以前即使妈妈提醒也不开口)
江淮 (八岁):哥哥受妈妈批评后,安慰哥哥。妈妈生病,嘴唇起泡,亲妈妈患处,说“这样会好得快些”

Review and continue last four homeworks.
父母呼, 应勿缓
冬则温 (给父母温暖) - 暖被窝, 端洗脚水, 热暖水袋 。。。
晨则省昏则定。 I asked students to greet their parents (you) after getting up in the morning and before going to bed in at night.

Prepare themselves well and wear warmly before leaving home -- "冠必正 纽必结 袜与履 俱紧切".
arrange personal stuff after returning home from outside -- "置冠服 有定位"


We we're discussing about not to be selfish. When asked what can we share with others, students came up with the following:
Money, food, animal, things, capability, LOVE, etc.

They were told that to be selfish means the heart is so small that it can only hold "ego" (我). When asked who we should put into our heart, they said:
Parents, relatives, friends, brothers/sisters, animal, the whole world (this answer surprised me most)

When asked who can possess the whole world in his heart, the answers were:
Martin Luther King, 孔子, 孟子, Gandhi ...

We really enjoyed our conversation. It's full of fun.


Not to be jealous. We shared a story about “李斯因嫉妒害死韩非子”


What’s is happiness? How to achieve happiness? The index of happiness. (some ideas are from book "The art of happiness" by Dalai Lama)

Parent class

Don't have enough time to write this section. We had really wonderful discussion. Next session will be leaded by Ms. You.



Nov 14, 2010


Dear parents,

Soya bean
The half of this class became a workshop. I brought a box of soya bean so that children can make the soothing bag for their parents in the class. Also we made the soy milk with 豆浆机. Almost every student had a chance to serve his/her parents with hot and fresh soy drink. We showed how to hold the cups with respect and carefulness (执虚器 如执盈).

Also, we took this chance to let student understand that soy bean plays very important role in Chinese food and culture. In 2007,  Montreal botanic garden (梦湖园) held a special exhibition to show that how soy bean influenced Chinese and served the largest population in this world. From environmental point of view, soy bean has much less impact on the environment than the meat while providing nutritious food. Our students listed the food made by this small yellow bean: 豆腐,豆腐乳,豆皮,腐竹,豆腐脑,豆腐泡,素肉,臭豆腐, 豆浆 。。。


We shared the following story:

Twenty five years ago there was a famine in Bangladesh. Yunus was teaching economics in a local university. He felt terrible teaching elegant theories of economics while people were dying on the streets. Yunus then began to understand how people in nearby villages lived and if he could do something to help them. One particular incident took Yunus in a new direction. He met a woman who made bamboo stools for a living.  ... ( )

Muhammad Yunus is an example of greatness and he was the only economist who earned Nobel Peace Prize (2006). In the class, I had more detail of this story than the content in the link above. The story is fully described in the book “The 8th Habit” written by Stephen Covey. It shows that no matter how little things you do at the beginning to help others, if you keep doing it, it can grow to something big.

Another story: 渑池之会

Parent Class:

We had discussion on how to conduct the parent class. We agreed that every week we focus on one topic. This week, 赵斌老师 will lead the class. After watching TV (, the discussion will focus on "己有能。勿自私。人所能。勿轻訾。"

Home work:

孝行: 父母呼, 应勿缓
From you feedback, I know this is a challenge for the parent. Some kids seem not follow this well. As Annie Wang said: "如果这是作业,我死定了" I will do the follow-up next class on this.

常礼举要: 双手奉接物品



Nov 7, 2010


Dear Parents,

According to Chinese lunar calendar, Nov. 07 denotes the official beginning of winter season (立冬). So this week's behavioural homework focuses on "冬则温"


-- I demonstrated in the class how to make a small soothing bag with soy bean and encourage your children to make one at home. Every night they can warm it in microwave and give it to parents. I hope you already get this surprise from your kids because they were asked to do it on Sunday night . Please refer to 黄豆灸法 for the benefits of this soybean bag.


--I urged your kids to prepare themselves well and wear warmly before leaving home -- "冠必正 纽必结 袜与履 俱紧切". Put on warm mitten, scarf, etc. and make sure that shoe laces are not losing. Use mirror to check if the wearing are in right position. Try not to be sick in the winter season because: "身有伤 贻亲忧"

-- Gandhi
In this class, we learned "行高者 名自高 人所重 非貌高". I believe that Gandhi ( ) is one of greatest men who demonstrated this principle well. Mahatma Gandhi was short, slim (100 pounds) and not handsome (非貌高), but he possessed a huge mind power which eventually let British men leave his homeland - India. In the town (Brossard) where I am living, in front of municipal library, there is a statue of Gandhi. Two sentences are engraved at the bottom of the statue (my translation in Chinese):

"Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth." -- Albert Einstein
我们的后代将难以置信:如此伟大的灵魂曾经以血肉之躯存在过,并在我们的星球上行走过。-- 爱因斯坦
“You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind.” -- Gandhi
你们可以捆绑我,可以折磨我,甚至可以摧毁我的肉体,但是你们将永远无法禁锢我的灵魂。 -- 甘地

I shared with class some practices that Gandhi did to make India become independent country. But most importantly he had very high moral standing (行高者). Several years ago after reading his autobiography -- " The Story of My Experiments with Truth", I totally agree what Einstein said. He maintained very simple life style, believed any kind of violence for any reason is evil; he was the first on who applied non-violence in political area; he was consistently seeking  the truth during his whole life. What about his fame (名自高)? His birthday (Oct 2) become the international day of non-violence. Nobel Prize committee always regrets that Gandhi was not awarded with peace prize even though he was nominated four times. In 1948, when Gandhi was assassinated, the committee chose not to award the peace prize to anyone, stating that "there was no suitable living candidate".

Another example of "行高者 名自高 人所重 非貌高" is 晏婴 who is very short but very intelligent. The children loves the story "晏子使楚":

More stories please refer to

-- Ending
I would like to close this note with a quotation of Gandhi (my translation in Chinese):
Whenever I despair, I remember that the way of truth and love has always won. There may be tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they may seem invincible, but in the end, they always fail. Think of it: always.


